Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Tell me what you want to hear mom

With Thanksgiving tomorrow, and a myriad of Thanksgiving projects coming home talking about thankfullness etc etc etc, I decided to ask my lovies what they were thankful for. In doing this was I looking for some motherly validation? Ummmmmmmm yah.......I expected them to say some sort of trivial trinket or toy, but I also wanted to hear that they were most thankful for their beautiful, smart, and fun mom!!!! Duh!!! So I hunted my kids down and questioned them.

This is what I got:

My 4 year old and sweet little girl looked at me with her big blue eyes and said....."My Little POOOONIIIEEESS"

ok ok ok.....she is the pony queen. I KNEW she would say this. But then I prodded some more. "Is there anything else J-elf?!?"
"ummmmmmmmmmmm no."
Ok baby girl. (I knew that this child was still 4 and I haven't had enough time to brainwash her yet so I set off for the next oldest)

I hunt down E-girl who is 6 and ask her what she is most thankful for.
"My pooh pillow."
OK AGAIN obvious choice because this is her most FAVORITE THING EVAH. If we don't have pooh pillow around....the girl won't sleep. OK, I said, anything else?!?!
"My toys and lipstick"

HURMPH. Again I brush it off on age (and make a mental note that I may have to watch her and her vainity) and go to the next one.

Girly girl H (who is 7) is asked the question and she immediately says...
"YOU know what I am thankful for!" could it be...the validation I was looking for!! I always knew she should be my favorite "Build A Bear!!!" *sigh* How could I not have seen THAT one coming. OK OK OK....anything else?!?! She tilted her little blonde head to the side, blinked at me like she was starting to think hard and said...."I dont' know!!?!? Hmmmmmm.......Target?" The girl is a blonde....I will let her slide on that. (and again note to self: No credit cards/debit cards for this one)

I have one left..........and he is the oldest and wisest of the bunch. My 9 year old. SURELY this one will have a CLUE that I am fishing for some love.

So Boy........What are you most thankful for?!?!


FOR THE LOVE..........I guess he must have seen me roll my eyes because he immediately followed up with:

"Oh....did you want to hear I was thankful for you...because I can tell you that you know!!"

Bunch of Ingrates!!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

And she wants to keep them

A quick J-Elf funny. I picked her up yesterday from my friends house and I didn't have any of her older siblings. She looked at me and said....

"Where is everyone mommy?"

I looked around the car amazed and said..........

"Gasp!" "I dont' know J-elf.....I think I lost them!!!"

I only said that because I thought she would be like -ALL RIGHT LETS PARTY!!!

"Aren't you soooooooo get to be the ONLY baby now!! You can have Mommy and Daddy all by yourself!!! We are going to have SOOOOO much fun!!! You can have all their toys! YOU get to be the CENTER of attention!!! YAY J-Elf!!!"

She looked at me.................

her eyes got WIDE open




I don't mean just a few tears...but true, scared, hysterical Cryyyying.

"WHY did you do that mommmeeeeeeee. R, H and E need your huggies and kissies TOOOOOOO" *sawb* *sawb* *sawb* "You can't loose them!!! Poor R, H and E!!! What if someone takes them!!!" *gasp* *sawb* start to almost hyperventilate!!

uh oh.....what a mommy faux pas I just did. Think *guilt* Think *guilt* Think.........

"OK OK OK ....stop crying baby.......We can find them. Promise...Mommy will find them!!"

"you better mommy....or I will be so sad forever!!!"

So needless to say I couldn't have the sweet thing so sad forever!! The dagger that pierced my heart when she said that to me......*OUCH* So, I found them (we picked them up from their afterschool activities) and J-elf was a happy camper. She even congratulated me profusely for doing such a good job 'finding' her siblings.

YAY ME!!!!!

Can I say that even though I provoked the entire episode! Hmmm well, maybe.....just a little quieter since I did make the 4 year old burst into hysterics!!

Yay Me!

Poor thing...she will probably have some sort of getting lost complex now. Maybe a little quieter.

yay me