Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Aggravator, The Antagonizer, and The Agitator

I was watching my children interact with each other the other day and it suddenly dawned on me. I had flashes of Clint Eastwood's Spaghetti Westerns run through my mind. Aye Aye Aey wonh wonh wonhhhhhhhhhh The Good, The Bad and the Ugly - the theme song uttered off my lips. How many times have I watched that movie, too many to list. I knew the characters well and realized that each played a significant part in fulfilling the destiny of the title. Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo. I watched my children some more.......Ennio Morricone tunes wafting in my mind. Suddenly it hit me. I had my own version......The Aggravator, The Antagonizer, The Agitator and The Victim. Each of my children weaving in and out of every role, but always one of each in every volatile situation.


The Victim:

The poor soul who has been targeted to suffer that day. What else do I have to say about them.

The Aggravator:

This is the one who usually begins all "situations". They are the first one who sees that little something, who notices the one thing that is upsetting the victim. This is the one who must begin making life difficult for the victim. Their one goal is to make the victim upset. Or as the dictioary states: to make more severe; intensify, as anything evil, disorderly, or troublesome. in the aggravator. They are the master button pusher. "Why are you doing that. You put it on wrong. You can't do that here. Give me back my pencil that you have." The aggravator is the supreme troublemaker of the day, the one who begins it all.

The Antagonizer:

The antagonizer immediately notices what the aggravator is doing. They have also noticed that the mother has already reprimanded the Aggravator. Now that they are out out of they way, its time for the Antagonizer to step up to the plate. This is the one who has to come in and rile the victim some more. The antagonizer notices that the victim is elevated by the aggravator. So they come in and go against everything the victim does. The Antagonizer must perpetuate the situation. If the victim yells stop doing that.....they don't. The victim says stop, the antagonizer says no. The victim says leave me alone, the antagonizer doesn't. Definition of the Antagonizer: to act in opposition to. Anything the victim says....the antagonizer must do the complete opposite. Usually the antagonizer gets a little help from the mother because her reasoning is to ignore them. That just makes the antagonizer work even harder. The poor victim usually begins the screaming after the antagonizer which leads to a blanket ultimatum for all.

The Agitator:

The closer in the entire scenario and the last of the onslaught. They PRETEND to lie in alliance with the victim when all they are doing is lying low under the radar. The agitator has seen the mother already reprimand the aggravator and the antagonizer. He has even been privy to the blanket ultimatum. She may have been present when the mother soothed and calmed the victim down. They are the one who has to come in for the ultimate kill. They are silent and not as bold as the Aggravator. They are coy, not as direct as the antagonizer. The Agitator slips in extremly quitely, nonchalantuntly and riles up the victim all over again. The agitator is the most sly and direct of them all. They are the one who usually brings the tears because they excite the vicitm in a way that causes great emotional distress. Once the agitator has done their job, all 4 know that the end is here.

Aye Aye Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Wonh Wonh Wonh

The Aggavator, The Antagonizer, and the Agitator. Each one playing his or her part against the victim. Always the same plot, with different actors in every role. When will they strike, I do not know. But rest assured I am on to them!!!


Blogger ~A~ said...



That is so true. I see it every day (with a different cast of actors) but you pegged it so well.


7:12 PM  

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