Sunday, August 31, 2008

A lost post from 2 years ago

I wrote this over 2 years ago and never posted it. It was just one of those where I started with a thought and never felt I completed it. Wait....I just realized the date, and it was in the year from hades. That's why it never got posted. OOPPS!!! Anyways, here it is and I hope you like it..........


I ADORE my children. Really I do. I think they are the most beautiful creatures alive. Every single day, no matter how bad it might have been, I stop, look at them, and think.....I adore these kids. I could not live without them. (although some days I wish I could get rid of them for a couple of hours....but hey, I still love em)

When ~A~ told me she wanted us to blog together I thought I would just go to Laundry Hexes and share a funny experience once in a while. But ~A~ (despite thoughts that she couldn't carry a blog alone) really took off and flourished. I didn't want to stain her underpants, so I kinda backed away. Then SHE decided that I needed to do my own blog. I immediately thought, there was NO way I could do one by myself. But I am finding that sharing my adventures with my lovies is quite exhilarating. So I thought, I need to introduce the 4 that help create the tales that you have read and will be reading about.

First there is "The Boy". My oldest and only XY chromosome. He turns 9 tomorrow - his last single digit year. Now, let me tell you something about this child. He is smart. Now I know all mothers think their children are smart, but this kid, he is. "The Boy" has a photographic memory. He can recall things that he has read or seen on tv and apply them to situations a year or so later. For example, when he was 5 or 6, we were boating (on a fresh water lake) and decided to stop the boat and swim.(we were in the middle of the lake - and yes, he had a life jacket on) We jump in and all of a sudden he starts freaking out about being in fresh water. I was like.."boy" there aren't sharks in land locked fresh water lakes. He immediately stopped, looked at me like I was crazy and said: "Mom I KNOW, but animal planet had a show on 2 years ago about alligators......I don't want an alligator to get me. And Alligators live in fresh waters!" So there we were floating in a middle of the lake while I gave him a lesson on how it was EXTREMELY unlikely that alligators were not in the middle of a lake in Southern New Mexico. Did he hear any of it? No, he just had a sleeper hold around my neck and nearly made me pass out. Then he took off on a tangent about piranha-esque fish that nibble on feet. But, that's my boy. Always inquisitive and always ready to prove that you are wrong.

Next is my Girly-Girl "H". The first of my "dos equis". Ultra girly all the time. That's her. She is always concerned with her hair and clothes and likes to dance on poles. Yes, you read that correctly.....she likes to twirl on poles. Ever since she was a small child she would swing on tether ball poles, basketball goal poles, swing set poles. My husband even considered putting a pole in her room to help with her obsession. His theory was.....let her get good enough to make some money as an adult. Funny yes, I know...but not something that I want to imagine my witty, creative, pretty baby doing!!!! Like the boy she is a smartie as well - but she does get the blond look once in a while. She is a wonderful story writer and teller but sometimes, in the middle of a storytelling session, she will just stop, tilt the head and go into blond mode. Its the cutest and funniest thing you will ever see. I am constantly in awe of her and I hope she knows I am totally enamored with her!!

E-Gurl the second "dos equis", is my Middle middle child. Why do I call her my middle-middle? Because not only is she #3 and in the middle of the pack....she is the middle girl, so she has been hit with the curse of the middle child TWICE!!! Does she act like the classic middle child................. y e s ! ! !
It doesn't help that she has....ahhhhh, how do you say it, a bad temper? Is bad temper or explosive better? Henh, yes she has a temper, but when there is no aggravation from her older brother and sister she is a complete sweetheart!! She is always very conscience of every one's feelings, can be soft spoken, and is one of my little cuddle bugs!!! Her most valued possession is her pooh pillow and does not go anywhere without it. Of course, like the others, she is very smart and very intuitive. I love her more than she knows and always make sure all is right with her.

J-elf is the last of the "dos-equis" and the baby. *Sigh* what to say about this one? Crazy. That's it. CRAZY. She is completely crazy. Oh and she has a hair fetish. Yes, a hair fetish. This one constantly has something stuck in her hair. I am totally serious. You name it, it has been twirled into a dreadlock into the back of this child's head. Lincoln logs, forks, spoons, knives, french fries, barbie legs, leggos, hot dogs, straws, lollipops, markers, pens, pencils, twigs, branches, jump ropes, ribbons, spaghetti, chicken strips, need I go on? All of those things PLUS more have been twirled into a giant knot on her head. I have an entire file folder filled with pictures of things STUCK in her hair. We do not know why she does it...but she does. Oh, and it doesn't help that she is a little imp with a smile as innocent as you have ever seen!!! She knows more than she should (thanks to the older ones) and is as quick as a whip. Totally one who needs constant supervision!! Again, I love her more than life itself and am so glad she is mine!!!!

Just a small introduction to the 4 most important things in my life. I could write pages and pages about them, the little things they do, their little quirks. But that is what this blog is for. I hope I can weave stories that capture each and everyone of them and let you have a glimpse of their essence. For they each are wonderful and amazing in their own way.