Monday, July 28, 2008

Mommy I want to go faster

When I had my 1st daughter I was in complete awe of her girleyness. From the moment I held her and heard her cry and studied her movements, I KNEW I had a girly girl.

I don't think I was scared to have such an ultra girly girl, it was just a bit forgein to me. And to tell you the truth, I had never seen myself as being a mother to girls, especially thinking of how tomboyish and ungirlyish I felt I was. In retrospect maybe that is why I was blessed with 3 beautiful daughters. Hmmm something to ponder. I will have to sit on that couch another day. But surely I digress........

My first daughter *H* has always been ultra girly. Not girly lite, like her mother, but top of the line girl-o supreme. As a toddler you would just have to give her the wrong look and she would twist up into a bag of emotions. The way she moves her head, holds herself, and even speaks is so utterly female it's unbelievable!!! I just need to express how feminine she is because when I found out about her secret wild streak, it shocked me. And its not just a ohhhh lets mix my hot pink nail polish with a red short outfit wild streak..........its a need for speed wild streak.

Oh yeah baybay.....speed. I first saw glimmers of this inclination towards speed when she was about 6 years old and my Dad let her take a ride on his 4-wheeler. He had been giving all the babies rides when *H* wanted to drive it herself. He said ok (it was not an automatic, it was a standard and he put it in the lowest gear possible) and she started going with my Dad walking besides her. I remember my Dad telling her to be careful and go slow etc etc. Then all of a sudden she decided to hit the gas and the quad lurched forward. My Dad was suprised and almost fell due to the lurch. He let go of the quad and *H* tried to take off. I was laughing so hard and in utter dire shock, I just remember *H*'s SCREAMS OF JOY and my Dad trying to run to catch her as she full throttled the quad in 1st gear. I will never forget when she was finally caught the sheer exhilaration on that childs face. That's when I knew my girly girl had a wild streak!

That streak does pop up in various places, but more so when we are camping and doing 4 wheel rides. So this year my Uncle had purchased a new quad. It was one that has way too much power for what the machine is intended.

Now I know you are a frequent reader and can probably see where this is headed....please, read on.

I had riden it by myself and it was a *bit* squirley when you hit the gas too fast, but nothing that I couldn't handle. So I offered to give the kids a ride and of COURSE they all jumped at the chance. Now I had already given rides SEVERAL times to the kids and we had always gone at slow speeds. *H-girl* immediately says she wants to go first. I said ok, lets go. I climb on and then she gets on behind me. Right before I start the quad *H* put her arms around my middle and very quietly whispers in my ear,

"Mommy I want you to go REALLY fast".
"Baby, we can't go too fast because I don't want you to get hurt."
*she giggles*
"MOMMY....but I want to go FAST"
I kinda turned and looked at her and saw this excited evil kneviel look in her eyes.
"Baby, you really want to go fast?"
"yeah - backwards"
"I will go a little fast for you...but not too fast"
*giggle, giggle, giggle*

So I fire up the quad and did a baby punch on the gas. Did I mention above that this thing has too much power for what is needed? Did I? Well it does. Huh....

So I hit the gas, we lurched (faster than I thought we would) and all while I was turning backwards. Do you *KNOW* what happenes when you are backing up in a turn with too much speed? Do you? Well take a wild guess. I felt it as soon as I hit the gas and immediately took my finger OFF the accelerator. Oh and the whole time there was a squeal of joy coming from behind me. I felt us tipping and tried to counter soon as I knew we were going to tip I immediately pushed *H* off and I dinked over right into a HUGE puddle of mud. I just sat there and I looked over at *H* and she had a bit of a shocked face on at first.....but soon after...she was laughing and smiling about it.

Were we hurt?

No, we weren't going fast enough during the dink over to get hurt. Although I was covered in mud.

Did we get back on and go for a ride?

Yes, but mommy refused to go faster than 10 mph.

Did I cure *H's* need for speed?

Henh.....What do you think??!?!?!?!?! *wink*

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Countdown is ON!!!

Hello, Hello, Hello!!!


We had some bumps, accidents, and exciting adventures along the way and some stories need to be told. But truthfully, I don't have time. Know why? Of course you don't know wanna know why? Well, yeah....I have 4 kids and a big mess to put away, but you can just attribute that to everyday occurances. Although, I should be putting the clothes away from the suitcases and getting the kids stuff back up in their rooms. And of course my hubby didn't do any of his laundry while he was gone. Oh yea, I have yesterday's dishes sitting in my sink......Hmmmmmmm.........

Wait, I was going to tell you why I have no time. Man, I really do have a lot of stuff to do. Maybe I should go do it and not write about why I have no time. But then I can't tell you the MAIN reason why I have no time...and its happening a week from tomorrow. Dare to guess? Wanna take a stab at it? Huh, stab...I need to get my skewers done for dinner tonight. Wow, my list is getting longer as I sit here and ponder. Hanh....oh sorry....let me tell you.....

One week from TOMORROW my kids GO BACK TO SCHOOL.

I know that is big news and I have a lot of stuff to get done for THEM, but in the same regards, it means I have to go back to work. I know, I know, the tears are starting to well up in your eyes, you feel the pain as much as I do, thank you, thank you. *sigh* Yes, not only do I need to get haircuts, last minute Dr. check ups, school supplies, and socks and underwear bought, I need to get my own shidizzle together. *whimper*

So I apologize for not telling the bear story, or the *H* and mommy 4-wheeler tip over, and The Boy's M.I.T (man in training) stories. Sounds fun huh...they are.

I guess with promises of stories to come, you will just have to check and see if any get written down. henh henh henh

Wish me luck and sanity to get through this week!!! I know I am going to need it!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Are we ready yet?!?!?

I am trying to get ready to go on my annual New Mexico trip. The kids and I go spend a day or two in southern NM and then head up to northern NM and go camping for a week. It's fun and low key, but we still need a crapload of STUFF. This year I have gotten off lucky and I don't need to take up as much food as I use to, but I still have to pack the kids clothes, sleeping bags, tent, and various other items.

Sounds easy right?



I *thought* it was easy but we have had some speed bumps along the way.

Speed bump #1 - Laundry.

Per my post below, the laundry has not gone DOWN!! Since I did that post...what....2days ago. I have done an additional 5 loads of laundry. FIVE. I SERIOUSLY am getting fed up with it. I have one in the dryer and one waiting to go in the wash right now. I would normally leave a bit of laundry before taking off, but this stuff is damp pool towels/suits and I NEED to wash it. Besides....there are some shirts that the girls wore in the pool that they want to take camping. *ugh* And of course when I *do* laundry, I or someone has to put it away. Me asking the offspring has been leading to the next speed bump.

S.B. #2 - Sighing and rolling of the eyes with the "I can't believe you are making me do this" tone.

"Mooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmm...WHY do I have to keep putting my clothes away?!?!"
"Because they are your clothes and you can put them away."
loud loud *sigh* here
"Where are all these clothes coming from? Why can't you just put them away?"
"Well, if you would stop wearing so many clothes and putting them in with the wet pool towels, then I wouldn't have to wash them again."

You see that up there...........oh yeah, with every load of laundry I fold I get that. Aggrivating isn't it? ISN'T IT?!?!?! Umm hmmmm. My patience is wearing thin on that alone. But wait, its not just that, the sigh/tude has been out with every other little thing I have asked them to do.

"Put your dishes in the sink"
"Pick up your playroom so we can get ready to go."
"Can you guys clean your rooms real quick so I can get *in* there to help you pack?"
"Can you help me...."
*insert sighs and cries of over work HERE*

I will stop there becuase I am sure your head is starting to ache just from reading about it. Afterall, the weekend is coming up and I am sure you have your own whines to deal with and if you don't....then maybe this will be a good birth control method.

S.B. #3 - The War of the Children

If you remember

Then thats all I have to say. Because I am trying to get something *DONE* THIS has been magnified by oh................ONE MILLION!!!!

And its not just the mind games going on, its becomming physical! Like the sitting on someone and crushing their chest cavity because the other *thought* they took their flashlight. Or the indian burn because one said they wanted the one red sleeping mat instead of the black sleeping mat. And the neck hold because they were fighting over which suitcase they were going to take.

Oh yeah.....its been great. Really great. And guess what?? We are still not ready to go. Maybe we should go primitive this year. Bare necessities, just the clothes on our backs and a few basic tools. Hmmm......smelly, cranky kids and sharp objects. Whoah.....maybe not. It still might be interesting..........*thinking and pondering*

Anyways, wish me luck and hope that I can come off the beautiful NM mountains will my sanity and all of my children.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The laundry is at it again

I was *almost* positive all I had left was some sheets and towels, but today I noticed I have darks and warms. Is the dirty laundry calling the clean laundry out of the drawers or is there some weird reproducing that is occurring? I did 2 loads yesterday, yet, the pile looks the same.

I think I will set up a sting operation and find out what the heck is going on!!!


more to come

Friday, July 04, 2008

Fourth of July - 1 *T* - 0

First casuality of the day:



All because I used the pot holders that I took girl scout camping and some new troop mom had borrowed them to do something with the grill and ended up burning holes in the ends of them. I think she was trying to start her coals or something. Anyways
burnt finger from putting those on real quick and trying to get the cupcake pan out of the oven.......finger through hole onto 400 degree metal does NOT work.

at least I didn't catch on fire.......or at least.....not yet!!!

Happy Fourth of July to All!!

We are just going to have some people over, swim, and eat your classic 4th of July Foods.

I hope you all have a safe and relaxing day!!!!