Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I have 15 boy trait​s and 7 girl trait​s

[x] you love hoodi​es
[x] you love jeans​
[x] dogs are bette​r then cats
[x] you’​ve playe​d with/​again​st boys on a team
[] shopp​ing is tortu​re
[] sad movie​s suck
[] you own a XBOX
[x] you own a Wii
[x] you playe​d with Hot Wheel​s as a littl​e kid
[] at some point​ in life you wante​d to be a firef​ighte​r
[x] you owned​ a DS, PS2 or Sega
[] you used to be obses​sed with Power​ Range​rs
[x] you watch​ sport​s on TV
[x] gory movie​s are cool
[x] you go to your dad for advic​e
[] you own like a trill​ion baseb​all hats
[] you used to/​do colle​ct footb​all colle​ctor cards​
[​] ​baggy​ sweat​pants​ are cool to wear
[] its kind of weird​ to have sleep​overs​ with a bunch​ of peopl​e
[x] green​,​ black​,​ red, blue,​ or silve​r are one of your favor​ite color​s
[] you love to go crazy​ and not care what other​ peopl​e think​
[​x]​ sport​s are fun
[x] somet​imes you talk with food in your mouth​
[x​]​ somet​imes you sleep​ at night​ with your socks​ on
[x] you have fishe​d at least​ once
TOTAL​=​ 15

[] you love to shop
[x] you wear makeu​p
[] you wear the color​ pink
[x] you go to your mom for advic​e
[] you consi​der cheer​leadi​ng a sport​
[] you hate weari​ng the color​ black​
[] you like going​ to the mall
[] you like getti​ng manic​ures and/​or pedic​ures
[] you like weari​ng jewel​ry
[] skirt​s are a big parts​ of your wardr​obe
[] shopp​ing is one of your favor​ite hobbi​es
[​]​ you don’​t like the movie​ Star Wars
[] you are/​were in gymna​stics​
[] it takes​ you aroun​d one hour to showe​r
[x] you smile​ a lot more than you shoul​d
[x] you have more than 10 pairs​ of shoes <--- if they are birk's or tennis does that count?​
[x] somet​imes you care about​ what you look like
[x] you like weari​ng dress​es when you can
[] you like high heel shoes​
[x] you used to play with dolls​ as a kid
[] you like putti​ng makeu​p on other​s
[] pink is one of your favor​ite color​s
TOTAL​=​ 7

I have _boy trait​s and_​girl trait​s


I was packed in to tightly

There is one thing to say about packaging peanuts when you use them correctly -- they can really pack you in!!!! I have found this last year was packed TIGHTLY with those annoying things - working full time, 4 kids in various activities, brownie leader, basketball coach, wife, mother, maid, cook, errand runner. Those peanuts slowly and quietly stacked in around me. Now with the beginning of summer, I find that there is a little more room to move and do things that I LIKE to do. I can't remember doing something that I liked to do just to do it. But then again, my life lately seems to be ruled by my 4 lovies. This IS their time and I must devote myself to them. So if that means that I have less time for myself and my likes, so be it.

What has been happening you wonder? LOTS!!! Here is a quick run down of the last year.

-My eldest and only son (aka the boy) has developed into the most hysterical thing you have ever witnessed. He is so quick witted and HYSTERICAL that all who know him SWEAR he will be famous someday!! He has been creating movies and videos which he posts on YouTube (don't worry - he is not allowed to show his face....his videos consist of weird objects that "act") and he is becomming an avid song writer. My current fave is his tonsilitis song he created when he was sick from a cold. He has been teaching himself the piano and did a stint with the schools 5th grade band playing the trombone. Which (please forgive me) usually sounded like a dying moose. Not that I have ever HEARD a dying moose....that is what I would have expected one to sound like if I *DID* hear one. I have a suspicion though that he was doing that on purpose so Dad would tell him to stop practicing - because the band teacher told me he was a natural! Hmmmmmmmmm He is still an avid reader of wikipedia online and loves the Discovery Health Channel. Just a couple of nights ago when I offered orange jello for dessert, he gave his sisters a dissertation on where gelatin came from. Needless to say, they did NOT eat the jello and he smiled and said...great...just more for me.

-My second child, girly girl H, also makes me laugh...but for different reasons. My darling has just completed the 3rd grade and she has really changed and blossomed this year. She is becomming more involved with "girl politics" and I always get all the gossip at the end of the day. The funny thing about it is HOW she tells me. Its like Joan Rivers giving the scoop on some gossip show. Her eyes get all big and she takes in big breaths and rolls her eyes. I love how the 8/9 year old girl drama is totally taking over. She is also becomming a bit of a sass a frass. You ask her something and its a ...well maybe if I can get it in my schedule. Lets just say we are working on that right now! LOL The one thing that makes me feel fuzzy about this one is how she is starting to mature and become responsible. She watches #3 like a hawk and is always the first to tell me..."Mom, I think she is looking puffy...please go check her". She is also very kind and protective of J-elf or her "peep in training". Its always nice when you have to explain to people why she is calling her sister the "pit". Oh heaven help me.

-My third child (E-gurl) is my lovey dovey. Her year in 2nd grade has been one of ups and downs. Some of the downs were trying to fit in and some body image issues. Now this made me ANGRY. E-gurl is a very beautiful girl...truly (I have even had several of the moms with boys tell me that they all had crushes on her). But she is very tall and not waif thin. She was told that she was too big or too tall to do things at recess with the other girls. This broke my heart and E-gurl's. We worked A LOT on what is normal and she realized on her own that there is no normal. She became more confident and was able to deal with the kids at school. She even started stepping up and helping those who may not have had friends. I was so proud of her. She is continuing to have some issues with her allergies and we are reacting to different things every month. It's difficult for me because I don't know when she will go or what is causing it. She is pretty in tune to when she starts puffing, so that is good!!

-My fourth. J-elf. What do I have to say about her. Well, of course, being girly-girl H's prodigy we are in DEEP trouble! She just finished her kinder year and the changes have been remarkable. She is an avid artist and is really very good!! She still gets into A LOT of trouble and say's the funniest things. Example: After decorating for Christmas J-elf was quite impressed with my santa collection. She turned to me and said, "When Santa gets here he is going to look around and say, Holy Hell those are a lot of Santas!!" She also has been exposed to Austin Powers (thanks daddy) and is constanly quoting Fat Bastard. Her favorite: "I've got a crap on deck that could choke a donkey!" Since daddy howls everytime she says this, it has become the thing she will say when she really does have to poo. It was great in Target last week because we walked in and all the stalls were occupied and she yelled, in the worst scottish accent ever, "Those people better hurry because she had a (insert line from above)". What am I to do with her with her bad movie quotes and her bluntness? I guess love her like we already do!

I know that wasn't even a run down of the year...and as I unpack myself I may remember some past stories that need to be told. Hopefully I can sit and tell a story once and again.
