Sunday, October 15, 2006

I can't WAIT for this year to be over

2006 has been a sucky year. VERY sucky indeed. I can't, or for that matter, don't want to list all the sucky things that have happened this year.

Why you ask?

Because you would never believe me if I did. I look back and I can't believe the kind of year we have had. If someone else told me this was their year....I would think they were suffering from Munchausen Syndrome .
I am not exaggerating.
Uh oh....I am exaggerating....maybe I am a sufferer or M.S. Hmmm...I should have that looked at.

In fact, I have not even shared the whole extent of it with my real or online friends. Is that bad? Does that make me an introvert who doens't want to burden the people I should be leaning on for support? Hmmmmm this makes the the exact opposite of a person suffering from M.S. This gives me hope. Yes it does............*hmmmmmm*

Or does that just make me someone who is trying to fight the label of an M.S. person?!?!?! *gasp* *snigger* *snort* Just the fact I keep pointing out that I don't want to be a M.S. person is enough, in itself, to say I may be a sufferer of this syndrome. I must ponder this some more.

So what does all this mean?!?!? Besides the fact that I am NOT suffering from M.S. and I probably need medication for the debate that is starting to occur in my head. (I am NOT a sufferer....yes you, maybe a little....Noooooooooooo definitely NOT)

Oh sorry.....*ahem*

It means.......I can mark 2006 as one of my worst years (if not the worst) ever!!! AND I still have 2.5 months left to go till we reach 2007.

Happy Happy joy joy...should I jinx myself and proclaim out loud what else could possibly happen?!?!

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............I dare not..........................

oh crap....................................dum dum dum dum dummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Useless Facts

By the way the longest word you'll find in a dictionary is:


That is a lung disease caused by swallowing

Here is the longest most used word:

Antidisestablishmentarianism (a movement opposed to the separation of church and state)

Longest word in English Usage