Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The messes I need to clean up right now.

I have several big messes in my life right now that I am trying to clean up. Most of them are superficial regular kind of messes. Dishes, kids playroom, LAUNDRY, etc. But I do have some messes that are relationship wise. How do I fit within the relationship, is this a realtionship that I just need to let go of, how can I fix this current relationship.

I know the answers and what I need to do to clean all of my messes. But the thought of actually doing it, well, *sigh*, it exhausts me. And I am stuck right now trying to find the motivation to get my butt in gear and CLEAN UP. But I know I can do it......and I WILL do it.


The laundry mess has me stumped. I swear the clothes are secretely mating upstairs. I have secret survalience going on.....I will catch them. I will!! And soon the entire world will know....oh yes, they will!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Ah, ryc: then you ARE in my head, then aren't you? LOL


I am perfectly happy with life moving and changing. But sometimes, you just want good things to stay GOOD THINGS.

Clothes do mate. I know this to be true.

5:03 PM  

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