Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Just PLEASE don't marry a Kevin

Every morning I wake up, get myself together and try to get my 4 children dressed, fed, hair and teeth brushed, lunches made, everything packed up for school, shoes on and out the door without too much of a hassle by 7:30 am. You may not think that it's hard, and it may not be, if I could drag my lazy butt out of bed at 5. But I don't. I sit in bed and procrastinate till about 6:30. Then its me jumping up and running around like a chicken with its head cut off. With this in mind, let me tell you what happened 2 weeks ago.

It was our typical morning of starting too late. The only difference this day was my kids were fighting me on everything we ALWAYS do. Instead of getting dressed I had babies playing with barbies and just laying in the middle of the floor. Instead of getting dressed and going downstairs to start breakfast, I had babies coloring and playing recorders. Needless to say, I was starting to get stressed because it was 7:10 and NO one was ready, NO one was fed, and who knew WHERE their backpack stuff was!! So I threw outfits at all the kids and told them to hurry up and get dressed while I went downstairs to make lunches and throw together some sandwiches to eat on the way to school. Now I usually don't dress my children, they are more than capable of dressing themselves. But I do help with certain zippers/belts/buttons. So when I handed out clothes, I gave my youngest, J-elf, a dress KNOWING she could totally get herself together and ready. When she came down I noticed that the dress was a bit above her knees, note to self, the girl was growing. And since it wasn't too short or odd looking I let her wear it.
So start kinda freaking out on the kids, throw them in the car, and off to school.

Well, right before the time I was suppose to get J-elf from preschool, I get a call in the classroom from the nurse. When I saw the number my heart jumped (my E-gurl has allergy issues and I KNEW it was going to be about her) But I hear this voice asking me what kind of mother I was. I was like WHAT THE HECK...who is this?!?! Come to find out it was one of the kinder teachers, and she continued to rant about how she was going to report me to CPS. (don't worry....this woman and I go way back and have an excellent rapport...the wench) Anyways, I was like calm down Tif - why you giving me a hard time. Well APPARENTLY at kinder/preschool pick up my daughter was sitting on the curb, in her short skirt, withOUT panties flashing all the parents in the pick up line. In fact, it was SEVERAL of the parents who allerted the kinder teachers on duty that the little girl right in front was flashing her who haw to EVERYONE. Luckily I am friends with all the kinder teachers and they whisked my daughter to the nurse to try to make her decent. *sigh* I immediately ran down to get her and on my way the news was already through several teachers and I had several come to me asking me why I didn't give my girl panties, what kind of girl I was raising etc etc etc. The whole walk down to the nurse I kept thinking I KNOW I gave that girl panties. WHY didn't I notice that she did NOT have them on?!?! Oh crap.....I KNEW I woldn't live this one down for a while.

When I got to the nurse another Kinder teacher (one who I have a zinger war with) asked me if I had seen Brittney yet. I was like who are you talking about....and she said....BRITTNEY....YOUR DAUGHTER.


OHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah....REAL FUNNY. So now the kinder team has been refering to my J-elf as Brittney. And everytime she is in a dress, they ask for a panty check. Man how I hate those women.

Oh and you know what else I haven't been living down? When they asked J-elf WHY she didn't have panties on she said. "Mommy kept yelling at me to put my shoes on. She didn't yell at me to put my PANTIES on. (then insert big sigh/eye roll here)" Which also led to her proclaiming how the only way we get ready in the morning is mommy running around the house in her panties yelling at everyone to get dressed and ready for school. Do I even need to tell you the heck I have been receiving because of this. DO I!?!?!?



Blogger Unknown said...






Teeth brushed.....check


10:13 PM  

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